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Letter to the Editor Talking Points

You can tell people how their vote will make a difference by writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper that either thanks your incumbent Representative or Senator for his or her good votes to end torture – or takes him or her to task for failing to vote against torture. To see how your Senators and Representative voted on torture visit our Congressional Vote Scorecards page

Please choose one of your incumbent Members of Congress to write about.  Members with strong records of supporting OR opposing torture are the most helpful to describe.

Be sure to follow your newspaper's instructions on how to submit a letter.  At the end of the letter, identify yourself by full name, town/city of residence, and phone number.

Here is a sample letter to the editor if your incumbent(s) opposed torture:

The National Religious Campaign Against Torture Action Fund recently released a Congressional Vote Scorecard that rates all sitting Members of Congress on whether or not they opposed torture.  You can see the Scorecard at (Senator OR Representative) _________(name) received a score of ______, which means that (s)he has consistently opposed torture.

My faith tells me that torture is always wrong, and I am glad to see my Member(s) of Congress voting in a way that aligns with my values.

Torture is immoral, illegal, and it doesn't work.  Soldiers, interrogators, and other experts tell us that torture is a net negative for our national security. 

By opposing torture, (Representative OR Senator) _________(name) has taken a bold stand for American values.

I hope that (Representative OR Senator) __________(name)'s opponent will also take the opportunity during this election to state clear opposition to torture. 


Here is a sample letter to the editor If your incumbent(s) supported torture:

The National Religious Campaign Against Torture Action Fund recently released a Congressional Vote Scorecard that rates all sitting Members of Congress on whether or not they opposed torture.  You can see the Scorecard at (Senator OR Representative) _________(name) received a score of ______, which means that (s)he has consistently supported torture.

My faith tells me that torture is always wrong, and I am sorry to see that my (Senator OR Representative) does not share my values.

Torture is immoral, illegal, and it does not work.  Soldiers, interrogators, and other experts tell us that torture is a net negative for our national security. 

By supporting torture, (Representative OR Senator) _________(name) has refused to stand up for American values.

I hope that (Representative OR Senator) __________(name)'s opponent will take the opportunity during this election to state clear opposition to torture. 
